Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You Gotta Be Kiddin’

I think God must think I need some kinda help in the love and patience department because he keeps throwing all these people at me that make me firing mad. 

GEEESH.  People need a life.  And I’m gonna need therapy and medication if God doesn’t quit throwing these people in mine! 

Come on, people need to quit worrying about who’s doing what and how that “offends” them.  If they only knew how much people are restraining themselves around them in order to NOT offend them….and yet they STILL find the littlest things to nitpick and get all humped up over….heavenly Father, they would condemn us to the pit for our TRUE opinions! 

Lord, help me…some days I would love to find a completely uninhabited island and live there alone forever.  And the rest of the days, I would love to find an island where I could stash all those people who make me feel that way. 

*deep breath* 

Okay.  Vent over. 

*deep breath* 

for now….

Anyone know of a good therapist?  Evidently talking to God about this is making things worse….lol.  (No offense, God…but I’d really appreciate a few LESS of the irritating people in my life….isn’t there a better way to get love and patience?)

1 comment:

  1. Too funny. I tend to think this about most humans. Stumbled across your blog and now following.


Input is appreciated but please keep it friendly and non-judgemental. You certainly don't have to agree with me, but just be gentle about it, please. ;o)