I had to study this one out. Found this one on a recorded message and in theory (as in, in the scripture), the point is good. In the translation (as in, in the message) it was…well….
According to the message, conformed to the world means following the standards of anything that the world holds in high esteem. Also stated was that if the devil is using something in the world to promote evil/ungodliness, you better avoid it and not be “conformed” to it.
My issue is this: If a tool can be used for good, why should you abandon it to the devil? That message was recorded for the internet which is used EVERY SINGLE DAY by the devil, FOR EVIL THINGS. Hello! So how can you say that you have to avoid everything that the devil is using? I mean, really? Maybe I am too technical about things, but cars are used for drug deals…so we have to avoid cars in order to not be conformed to the world? How about using your car to get to work to support your family? I’m a little confused by the idea that you can’t do anything if the world thinks it is good. Should that really matter?
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Wouldn’t it be, that if you have a renewed mind (through Christ), and doing the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, you are automatically not conformed to the world because their priority isn’t the will of God, and things they do aren’t through a renewed mind?
In Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary for this verse, he says:
The great enemy to this renewal is, conformity to this world. Take heed of forming plans for happiness, as though it lay in the things of this world, which soon pass away. Do not fall in with the customs of those who walk in the lusts of the flesh, and mind earthly things. The work of the Holy Ghost first begins in the understanding, and is carried on to the will, affections, and conversation, till there is a change of the whole man into the likeness of God, in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness. Thus, to be godly, is to give up ourselves to God.
What I get out of that is that the issue is in balance and priorities. If your mind is renewed in Christ, you’re not seeking to be “like the world” in your actions, spirit, behaviors, your first goal is what God wants for you. Our happiness is to be found in God, not in seeking after temporary pleasures. But there’s a balance to it, I don’t think God wants to take away all things that might be fun or enjoyable, He just wants us to seek Him first.
Matthew 6:32-33
(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
All these things being “worldly things” like clothes, food, etc…he didn’t say they were evil, he said they would all be added to you, but you just have to seek God first.
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