Monday, September 26, 2011

Questions With No Answers

Ever get to the place where your questions have questions?  Yeah.  I’m there.  Haha…only thing I can do is laugh because I hate to cry. 

Seriously though, when all you get for your research is more questions, it gets very discouraging.  It would be so much easier to just crawl back in the box I came out of and accept everything I’m told and live by the rules that make no sense…ignorance is bliss. 

And then I just can’t make myself do it.  I mean, I still live by the rules in a sense, because I still go to a place where that’s just what you have to do, and out of respect for them (because, I really do love and respect them), while I’m there, I do follow most of the rules.  But I just can’t quite make myself agree with them.  And it’s really hard to come to grips with that. 

I’m trying, but…wow is it ever tough. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

And Thus It Begins

Nothing like trying to be respectful of others in your disagreement on issues that are less than important and getting bashed for it.

Zeke and I are trying to continue to be respectful of others who are so easily offended while yet taking our best shot at being who, what, and where God wants us to be…it’s such a hard balance to find.

Some people you just can’t please, and some people get offended over nothing. Amazes me, really.

So here we are again…the question is, how long will our name be mud this time?

Thank God for freedom…I’m so glad I don’t have to spend all my time casting judgment on everyone else’s actions anymore. Now I’m praying that THEY find the same freedom. In the meantime, being a permanent missionary to a foreign country is looking better and better all the time.

Perhaps God’s got an opening in…say…Hawaii?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You Gotta Be Kiddin’

I think God must think I need some kinda help in the love and patience department because he keeps throwing all these people at me that make me firing mad. 

GEEESH.  People need a life.  And I’m gonna need therapy and medication if God doesn’t quit throwing these people in mine! 

Come on, people need to quit worrying about who’s doing what and how that “offends” them.  If they only knew how much people are restraining themselves around them in order to NOT offend them….and yet they STILL find the littlest things to nitpick and get all humped up over….heavenly Father, they would condemn us to the pit for our TRUE opinions! 

Lord, help me…some days I would love to find a completely uninhabited island and live there alone forever.  And the rest of the days, I would love to find an island where I could stash all those people who make me feel that way. 

*deep breath* 

Okay.  Vent over. 

*deep breath* 

for now….

Anyone know of a good therapist?  Evidently talking to God about this is making things worse….lol.  (No offense, God…but I’d really appreciate a few LESS of the irritating people in my life….isn’t there a better way to get love and patience?)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Be Not Conformed

I had to study this one out.  Found this one on a recorded message and in theory (as in, in the scripture), the point is good.  In the translation (as in, in the message) it was…well…. 

According to the message, conformed to the world means following the standards of anything that the world holds in high esteem.  Also stated was that if the devil is using something in the world to promote evil/ungodliness, you better avoid it and not be “conformed” to it. 

My issue is this: If a tool can be used for good, why should you abandon it to the devil?  That message was recorded for the internet which is used EVERY SINGLE DAY by the devil, FOR EVIL THINGS.  Hello!  So how can you say that you have to avoid everything that the devil is using?  I mean, really?  Maybe I am too technical about things, but cars are used for drug deals…so we have to avoid cars in order to not be conformed to the world?  How about using your car to get to work to support your family?  I’m a little confused by the idea that you can’t do anything if the world thinks it is good.  Should that really matter?

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Wouldn’t it be, that if you have a renewed mind (through Christ), and doing the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, you are automatically not conformed to the world because their priority isn’t the will of God, and things they do aren’t through a renewed mind?

In Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary for this verse, he says:

The great enemy to this renewal is, conformity to this world. Take heed of forming plans for happiness, as though it lay in the things of this world, which soon pass away. Do not fall in with the customs of those who walk in the lusts of the flesh, and mind earthly things. The work of the Holy Ghost first begins in the understanding, and is carried on to the will, affections, and conversation, till there is a change of the whole man into the likeness of God, in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness. Thus, to be godly, is to give up ourselves to God.

What I get out of that is that the issue is in balance and priorities.  If your mind is renewed in Christ, you’re not seeking to be “like the world” in your actions, spirit, behaviors, your first goal is what God wants for you.  Our happiness is to be found in God, not in seeking after temporary pleasures.  But there’s a balance to it, I don’t think God wants to take away all things that might be fun or enjoyable, He just wants us to seek Him first. 

Matthew 6:32-33
(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

All these things being “worldly things” like clothes, food, etc…he didn’t say they were evil, he said they would all be added to you, but you just have to seek God first.   

Thursday, January 27, 2011

So You Washed My Feet…

but what did you do with my Holy Kiss?

Footwashing & Communion are New Testament ordinances we have to follow but greeting one another with a holy kiss is not.

I’m not sure what to do with this one. I personally think that Jesus was simply wanting his disciples to remember his sacrifice and to humbly serve each other. Washing feet was a common biblical practice—they didn’t have cars and they walked everywhere—and it was something the servants did for you.

In today’s world, servitude and humility in serving can take on different practices. Today, I would be more embarrassed to have Jesus scrub my toilet than for Him to wash my feet. And to me, washing someone’s feet in the footwashing service isn’t as big a deal as going over to their house and helping them clean, or scrubbing the toilets at the church building, or allowing someone to come help do my dirty laundry. To me, it’s more of a sacrifice of love and humility to perform or receive THOSE serving tasks than to wash someone’s feet.

However, Jesus DID say “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.” (John 13:14) So again, it’s one of those things that I wonder if we’re supposed to take it literally or just simply in theory.

This goes with communion as well, He said “this do in remembrance of me” but was He literally saying that we have to eat unleavened bread and drink grape juice a couple of times a year? If so, then why don’t we observe the rest of the Passover then since that is what they were originally gathering for? Or was He meaning that when you eat, to remember His sacrifice for us and thank Him for our food? I’m just not sure I quite get it.

Especially since, IF we’re supposed to take the NT ordinances literally, then that totally kills the whole "handshake greeting" for your brother’s and sisters in Christ. 2 Corinthians 13:12 is pretty plain on that one: Greet one another with an holy kiss. And you’ll notice the writer didn’t say only brothers to brothers and sisters to sisters. ONE ANOTHER, PEOPLE! And those church folks are all about no HUGGING opposite genders!! Actually, we’re supposed to be KISSING them. ;o)


Friday, January 14, 2011


It is really hard to find pictures of modest jeans.  Mostly because people tend to wear them two sizes too small for the purpose of showing off their rear instead of trying to be modest.  Haha. 

The point of this post being that skirts can be just as immodest, but it’s just never looked at that way…I’m not sure why.  As long as it’s long enough and the slits are below the knee, nobody ever talks about skirts being immodest.  Even though sometimes they can be designed or styled in ways that highlight all of a woman’s best physical aspects.  Haha. 

Anyway, I’m still thinking about this one.  I really like the look of skirts, and there are a lot of cute skirts out there…I’m for sticking with them because I personally think they look—how do I put this without sounding awful and completely immodest…haha—but I think they look much better on me and as far as fashion goes, I like the statement.  Haha.  But for hanging out and doing chores and that sort of thing, I have to say, pants are wayyyy more convenient and comfortable. 

So…that’s what was on my mind this morning. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Respect or Hypocrisy?

I was reading some of those thoughts that I referred to in my last post but didn’t want to link to because of the underlying attitude.  One of them was a topic along the lines of “Hypocriting” and I’ll paraphrase, but the basic thought was: If you are part of a group that has certain rules by which its members are expected to live by, you shouldn’t break the rules when you’re away from the group because that’s lying.  12571043261351773352wasat_Theatre_Masks.svg.medBy living by the rules when you’re with the group and living by a different set of rules when you’re away from them, that’s living a double standard.  And if you don’t live/believe the rules, condemning others who don’t live by those rules is hypocritical.

To a certain extent, I think the statements above, summarizing the topic, have a certain amount of truth in them, particularly the last one.  I think if you’re verbally telling people that you believe the rules are what gets you into heaven, then turning around and breaking those rules and still claiming that you’re going to get into heaven, and at the same time condemning people who aren’t living those rules, then in essence, you ARE holding a double standard. 

HOWEVER, attending a church does not necessarily mean that you agree with everything that takes place or is taught. 

I can go to the store for milk.  The store also sells spam, that doesn’t mean I’m going to buy it.  Just because I shop at the store does not mean I’m putting my approval on everything they sell, even if every time I go in, they’re promoting spam.  But let’s say they make it a requirement for membership that you buy a can of spam every time you shop.  Just because I go to the store to get milk and come home with the milk and the required can of spam does not mean I’m going to eat it when I get home.  Does that make me a hypocrite?  Well, I could just shop at a different store, but that particular store has a certain variety that I haven’t been able to find somewhere else.  So you live with the differences, respect the store manager, and disagree in private.  Maybe not the perfect solution, but it’s workable until you run out of cabinet space for Spam.  Haha.

Maybe that’s a strange example but I think it gets the point across. 

Can I say I haven’t been looking for another place to shop?  Well…no, I can’t say that, but as long as I’m shopping there, while I’m there, I’ll follow the crazy rules.  :o)

The definition of respect: deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment

The definition of Hypocrisy: a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

I think the difference is that we do not judge or condemn or even amen the “crazy rules” that we do not believe.  We don’t hide, but neither do we flaunt our disagreements.  Out of respect for others convictions, we do what we do.  Now the time may come when we are no longer shopping at that store, and at that time, if others convictions are no longer hindering us, we may live publicly a little differently, but that time is not here yet. 

I base this reasoning on Romans 14.  The entire chapter is good, but specifically these verses:

19Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
20For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence.
21It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.
22Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.
23And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

In this commentary by John Darby on the 14th chapter, he says:

Many important principles are brought forward in these exhortations. Every one shall give account of himself to God. Everyone, in these cases, should be fully persuaded in his own mind, and should not judge another. If any one has faith that delivers him from traditional observances, and he sees them to be absolutely nothing-as indeed they are-let him have his faith for God, and not cause his brother to stumble.

I think that sums it up nicely. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Who Wears The Pants?

This was an intense study…there’s a lot of controversy on this particular scripture and I even found some of my exact thoughts on a lot of these “crazy rules” have already been written down.  I gave serious consideration to just linking up, but wanted to collect my own thoughts as well as sum it up in simpler terms (since some of the articles are quite wordy and a little over my head at times.  I’m just a simple lady.  :o)

Anyway, the crazy rule (although I’m not entirely ruling out women in skirts, only that the logic is flawed):  Women cannot wear pants for any reason because they pertain to men’s clothing, based on Deuteronomy 22:5

Deuteronomy 22:5
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

However, this same chapter has another law on clothing: that you shall not wear clothing of mixed materials.  In the time of the Mosaic law, God was promoting purity, and that was one way to get the point across.  In today’s time, we are pure through Jesus.  If this is the case about that law, then that same logic should apply to the law on men and women’s garments. 

God wants there to be a distinction between men and women,  I totally get that.  If a woman puts on a pair of pants for any reason, she’s bound for hell.  I don’t get that.

But that is actually what some people think.  Just ask Joan of Arc!  I stumbled across that in my search today and was shocked.  Granted, today, the consequences aren’t nearly so drastic as death by burning at the stake, but there are consequences to face just the same, even if they are as simple as being thought of as a backslidden sinner.

I thought it quite interesting though, that even back then, twenty-five years after her execution for the crime of heresy (because she wore pants), the retrial reversed the conviction based on rehearing all the testimonies and finding that her intent was pure.  She wore the pants in prison to prevent molestation (she was not in a separate women’s prison) or because her dress was taken away and she had nothing else to wear (perhaps both).  And that verdict of innocence was during a time when women wearing pants wasn’t part of the culture.  

Another point that Zeke told me about and I looked up today, was that in the time when Moses wrote Deut. 22:5, the Israelites were battling transvestism from the Canaanites, thus the law about the putting on of women’s things.  From what I gather, it wasn’t so much the transvestism that was the issue as much as the fact that in that time, part of the idolatry worship involved male prostitutes and cross-dressing the part (basically the intent was evil).  That’s not a direct quote, I’m paraphrasing based on what I understood out of the articles.

This article is very lengthy, but very detailed also.  I would quote several paragraphs but like I said, they are very long, so I’ll summarize.  If you want more details, you can check out the article. 

  • The original Hebrew words in the first part of this scripture, seem to be referring to armor or women dressing as warriors. 
  • The argument of pants being historically a male symbol doesn’t work when you consider that MANY articles of clothing were invented or became popular for a specific gender.  T-shirts, baseball caps, work boots…all very male items, but we are still feminine and (can be) modest wearing them.  Also, pink and blue are considered gender specific, does this mean females cannot wear blue either?
  • As to pants being a distinction of male/female, if you go back to history, the most basic study into biblical clothing shows that there was very little distinction between the articles of clothing worn by men and women.  Going all the way back to Adam and Eve and after they attempted to clothe themselves, God wasn’t satisfied and made new clothes for them.  “Gen 3:21 records that God made “coats of skin” for them to wear. The word coats in this verse is the Hebrew word kethoneth and means “a long shirt-like garment.””  So Moses used the same word to describe both articles of clothing.  That’s distinction of the genders for you. :o)

I also found another site which I won’t link simply because I hear a lot of bitterness in the arguments and while some of it is true and correct, there’s an underlying attitude that comes across, which I’d rather not pull into this.  It seems like they could have some grounds for feeling that way, but nevertheless, I’d like to keep my own thoughts and reasoning attitude free.  ;o)

Finally, (but don’t relax yet because this is a big finally..haha) this article by Grace McMillan is very well written and Biblically solid.  I will probably refer back to it again when I study out some of the other issues.  These are selected portions, if you want to read the whole document, the link is up there.

Why is it considered right for men to wear pants? When did they start wearing pants, and when did it become acceptable? When did pants become defined as “clothing pertaining to a man”? Because the Bible just doesn’t address pants that way. Nope. It really doesn’t. The men and women both wore robes in those days and there was very little difference between the attire of a man and the attire of a woman. That’s just historical fact.

The traditional definition of what some have defined as modesty goes back to what some have taught since the 1880s or other time periods. And in this case their teaching was based on the society of their time. Women didn’t WEAR pants in those days! It most certainly was considered by society to be immodest. That’s historical fact. I can’t argue with it. I’m bound by the same rules of logic that I apply to someone else’s argument. BUT, and here’s where folks are going to differ: we have already established that eternal truth is defined by Christ in the Word of God. It’s not defined by the folks in the 1880s … not in an eternal sense, anyway. We’re no longer studying or defending traditions in that time period; rather, we’re studying scripture and history. See the difference? We are to be rooted and grounded and settled in the truth ~ not custom. Not traditions. Not in a time period.

Both men and women wore robes in Bible times. If there is no biblical injunction against a man wearing pants, then I can’t logically find one for the women either. To say that pants define the legs, well, we have to say that pants define the legs for both genders. To say that wearing pants outlines the body, then my logic says that it would be WORSE for a man to wear them than a woman. The question becomes: when did they start wearing them, and why did it become acceptable?

Men started wearing pants around the end of the Roman empire, what was called the Byzantine era, which was about 400 AD. (After googling this myself, wikipedia seems to think that pants originated in Greece earlier than this, but perhaps the author of this article had more reliable sources…either way, the pants were invented out of convenience, whether for riding in the army or working in the fields) The practice of men wearing pants started with the peasants of that era, which actually makes sense. They were the ones working in the fields, and so it just made sense that instead of “girding up the loins” as you bent over, since you were doing that all day every day, why not just invent a garment that had a split already?  The practice of men wearing pants was first considered lower class and poor because it was done by the peasants, but I declare if that very practical solution didn’t catch on soon with even the upper class, and soon all men started wearing pants even when they weren’t working in the fields. And somehow, over time, the “custom” of robes changed into the “custom” of pants. And we’ve gotten so used to this “custom” of men wearing pants, that we now call it modest. Note that wearing pants started out as a fad, and it was frowned upon and maybe even considered by some as indecent or fashionable. Over the course of time, that definition of modesty has done a complete 180! A completely opposite perception and definition of modesty exists in the society in which we live, in complete contrast to the society of Bible times. And now we define pants for men as modest.

If we are going to define as “worldly” in today’s society for a woman to wear pants, applying the same consistency of logic, scripture, tradition, history and principle, it is just as worldly for a man to wear them. Actually, using the logic of the legalist, it’s probably WORSE for a man, given the body forms of both genders. Further, I have difficulty with the statement that says that if women wear pants, “there’s just no difference between us and the world!” Shame on us for even thinking that’s logical or spiritual! Since when is the weaker vessel supposed to be the symbol of outward holiness to the world? There’s already no difference between saved men and “worldly” men, and hasn’t been for over a thousand years! Men have been wearing pants for so long, we’ve forgotten that in Bible times they didn’t. And if you look at pictures of Charles or James Wesley, acclaimed revivalists, you would discover shoulder length, curled hair. Again, certain time periods would be shocked.

I can see where the society of the 1880s, given their present-day situation and the hypocrisies of the lingering Victorian era, would be shocked and refuse to consider such women wearing pants “godly.” (Given our knowledge of history, it seemed a little shortsighted to allow men to wear pants without addressing the subject or studying the history, but again, they were limited to the perception of their society). To me, it’s a very similar situation as when Paul told the women of Corinth that, given the society in which they lived, it might be wiser for married women to wear veils, because otherwise they would be mistaken for the prostitutes and worshippers of pagan gods who were freely walking the streets with no shame or modesty. “But,” he hastened to add, “We have no such custom….” (1 Cor. 11:16).

All that to say that we have to come to the conclusion that at least to a certain degree, the society in which we live defines modesty!

So there’s what I’ve found when studying the history and issue of women wearing pants.  And I promise, I looked for supporting evidence of not wearing pants, too, there just isn’t much there other than “God told me it was right.”  And if God told you, I’d venture to say that makes it a personal conviction? 

And now, my personal opinion: I like skirts.  I was raised wearing them, and it was drilled into me that anything else was sinful.  While I’m pretty sure that the last bit isn’t true, a small measure of guilt that has been ingrained in me still remains.  Zeke brings up the point that you don’t often see women wearing modest pants, that it start out that way for a few months or years, but eventually once women start wearing pants, they tend to start leaning toward “fitting better” or following after fashions which goes more toward the excessive instead of “not extreme, not lavish, not excessive” as we’re supposed to be.  I can see his point, but I believe that if the heart remains where it’s supposed to be, God can help keep a control on that issue, just as He helps keep a control on all the other issues that we have a tendency to let go to far. 

The end of it: I like skirts and they will likely remain a fair part of my wardrobe, but I do not see any Biblical foundation for condemning the wearing of pants (unless of course, it’s a personal conviction, which is totally different). 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Vanity = Sin?

Vanity: something that is vain, empty, or valueless

Ecc. 1:2 - Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

ALL is vanity.

Everything in life including life itself, according to Solomon—the wisest of all, is vanity. That leads me to the conclusion that vanity is not sin. It can’t be, because if life is vanity, and vanity is sin, then by extension, Jesus would have sinned because He had life, and He didn’t sin.

Jesus is what fills the emptiness. Without Him, all that’s left is vanity. But with Him, if He’s first, then life—and all that’s in it—is not simple vanity.

Maybe because Christ hadn’t come yet, this is why Solomon wrote that all was vanity? You can’t find joy, peace, or contentment in empty things, that’s in Christ.

Solomon was pretty extensive in his lists of what was vanity. According to him, WORK is vanity, so should everyone quit their jobs? Uh…NO. Solomon even said that WISDOM was vanity. And wisdom is a very good thing. I could probably use a little more of it. :-)

I think my whole point here is that everything is labeled vanity and therefore sin. Everything IS vanity. But that doesn’t mean it’s sin. Somehow, I keep missing that point in the messages. It seems like whenever people can't exactly label things sin, they label those things as vanity and imply that they're still wrong.

Well anyway, I may or may not come back later and tweak these thoughts. Zeke is exhausted and I’m pretty ready for bed myself. I don’t think I quite conveyed the thought perfectly, but I’m tired and I wanted to get some of it out of my head. I had a bunch of drafts that I accidentally deleted, too, that I need to come back and get my brain untangled over again. Haha.

In time. I’ll probably be back here more soon…got a lot on my mind again.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Amazing, how a preacher can alter the message from sermons years ago on some things because “after studying what the Bible says on it, they have seen it differently from how it was preached back then”…and it’s perfectly okay. 

Yet, if I study out the things that have been taught from sermons years ago on the outward “look” and find that some (or a lot) of those things don’t have a solid Biblical foundation and are more like personal convictions, I’ve compromised on truth. 
