Monday, July 26, 2010

TV vs. Internet TV

TV is wrong, but you can watch the news or other “decent” TV shows online and it’s okay.

I don’t even know where to start with this one.  The verse that is used for this one is

“set no unclean thing before thine eyes”

So it’s not saying no TV, it’s saying don’t watch junk.  So first off, where do you get that the actual TV is wrong (since there ARE quite a few decent and occasionally enlightening shows out there that you could watch on it…hello Dog Whisperer…lol), and second of all, if it IS wrong, then how does watching it on your computer make it right? 

In my opinion (which of course, doesn’t count for much), it’s only wrong to have or watch TV (on the actual television OR internet) if you don’t have your priorities straight (or if you have an addiction to it and can’t control it). 

God should always be first.  But that goes for all kinds of things, not just TV…how ‘bout reading?  Or playing basketball with the guys?  Or going on vacation?  If it’s wrong to have downtime to watch something, it’s probably also wrong to have downtime to do any of those other things that we enjoy.

And if it’s an addiction and you’re hooked with no control, that’s a personal thing that God might ask you to work on and maybe give up, but again, that’s not just something that goes for TV, that goes for anything that you have a problem with and that should be on an individual level, not something you judge someone else on…

So is it wrong?  Is it a fellowship breaker?  Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t figure out why it should be.  If your heart is in the shape it’s supposed to be in, your TV won’t be misused or placed in the wrong priority…and if your heart is NOT in the shape it’s supposed to be in, TV is the least of your worries.  I just think this is one of those minor things that hangs people up when they should be worrying about the major things. 


  1. A-man to that! If you want my opinion, I think the internet is 10 times as bad has having a TV! If I can control what I get onto on the internet, then I can control what I watch on the TV. There is really no Bible verse to back that up. It's just personal convictions. And you're right, if you can't control it then don't watch it. But if that is the case you probably shouldn't have the internet either. Just say'n.

  2. Absolutely...I didn't throw the internet into this mix as it's own entity but you are very right, the internet (in my opinion) ranks way higher than TV (in any form) because the things you can access on there (and usually for FREE) are way more dangerous than your average TV show.

    I don't know much about that sort of thing because (obviously) I keep a careful control over all of that, but I *think* on TV, most of the adult content is on some kind of pay per view or special purchase channel as opposed to available at the click of your mouse for free.

    Evidently this should make it to a post of its own...haha.


Input is appreciated but please keep it friendly and non-judgemental. You certainly don't have to agree with me, but just be gentle about it, please. ;o)