Saturday, December 25, 2010

Oh Dear

I have to vent for a second. I am feeling some serious anger issues at the moment.

The in-laws are in for Christmas for a few days and Ethel is already driving me nuts.

And I know it’s terrible of me, but Nellie is the most annoying child in the world when she’s around Ethel because she knows she can get away with murder and all kinds of things she knows she gets in trouble for any other time. I hate being manipulated and that’s all that happens when Ethel and George are here.

Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh…I need rescuing…!!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Fascinating Article

Zeke sent me this link and after reading it, I thought I’d link up here.  That way I can refer back to it if needed.  ;o) 

The entire article is HERE

And the specific part that really jumped out at me was:

Here are some things which must be done before one leaves a church:

•    We must check our motives very carefully.
•    Our reasons must be well grounded and clearly articulated.
•    We must be in regular, earnest prayer about the matter.
•    We must guard our tongues very carefully.
•    We must be extremely careful that we do not unnecessarily create unrest in other members.
•    Our discussions with the leadership must be characterized by love.
•    Our attempts to correct matters must be with great respect, care and patience.
•    If our concern is over personal preferences, rather than biblical matters, we must consider others’ interest more important than ours. 
•    Great care should be taken that we submit to the leadership of the church, unless we determine with proper counsel that there is a serious biblical issue at stake.
•    If the leadership will listen, we need to give them plenty of time to consider the matter.
•    If the leadership will not listen to us, or will not take proper action to correct the matter and we are thoroughly convinced that there is a serious biblical issue, we should ask for a meeting of the church Elders in which to express our concerns.
•    We should ask ourselves what we have personally done to correct any wrong or deficiency in the church with which we are concerned.
•    We should evaluate if our leaving would do harm to an otherwise good church.    

Also, we should never leave, nor encourage others to leave, unless we are thoroughly convinced that one or both of the following conditions exist:(1) that the church has become an apostate church (where serious unbiblical teaching or practices are allowed), or (2) that we are convinced that, over the long haul, we cannot find a place to serve in the church, or that our families will not be spiritually fed in that body.

I am convinced that if these suggestions were given careful attention, there would be fewer people leaving churches. In our culture people flip around from church to church in almost the same way they change from one automobile to another, always looking for something a bit more new and pleasurable. That is not the essence of Christianity.

Christ called on us to serve one another, not to be seeking our own comfort. He certainly gave us the supreme example. The welfare of others is why He came to this earth, suffered abuse and extreme discomfort and, ultimately, the horrible death of a vile criminal on the cross of Calvary. He could have moved from this earth and taken up a comfortable residence in heaven, rather than having to suffer at the hands of sinful men. Yet He set His sights on the good of others, rather than those of His own, and gave His all. That is how much He loved the church.

Christ’s example often demonstrates how cheap our view of the local church can be. We ask how the church can serve us, rather than how we can serve Christ through His local bodies. He exhibits extreme patience with us; how can we do otherwise for His people, for whom He died?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Random Thoughts

How many of our thoughts are actually “speakable?” 

In any given church service, if we took the time to document every thought that went through our mind…well, I know I was surprised at just how un-focused I can be…and at the fact that I wouldn’t be able to say a good many of them out loud because they weren’t very nice.  Yikes. 

For instance: in a little over an hour of sermon, I filled up front and back of a sheet of paper and then was scribbling all in the margins.  Random quotes from the sermon that were of interest or that sparked other thoughts, random thoughts that just popped into my head, etc…

Quite the interesting experiment, to say the least! 

Italics is what someone else said, regular font is what I was thinking. 

  • “Our opinion doesn’t matter.  We need to live what Christ teaches.”  What if it’s not our opinion though?  What if what we’re living is someone else’s opinion/man’s tradition and not what the Bible teaches?
  • Man, my stomach is growling. 
  • Oops.  Can’t write this one down. 
  • Women get all their divine revelations from Walmart.”  No, they don’t.  I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a divine revelation from Walmart. 
  • …depends on how they say it.  If they do it in a joking manner.  Reminds me of that person that said one time about how at least half of what you say in jesting you actually mean…
  • rebuke…all longsuffering…(referencing Timothy) patience.  Rebuke…longsuffering…meaning to be patient and not be ready with an instant rebuke? 
  • We don’t have a ministry – it’s the ministry of Christ.  We just need to pick up His ministry and carry it on…further it.”  So instead of looking for a new ministry, we just look around to see what’s being left off, and pick it up and further it? 
  • Where’s he going with this?
  • It’s funny how I filter my thoughts when I’m paying attention to them. 
  • Why does he always look at me when he asks those kinds of questions?
  • Woop.  Can’t write that one down. 
  • Yeah, no kidding on that one!
  • Good grief!  Some people’s….um…never mind. 
  • “…one time can change things for you for the rest of your life.”  Yeah, no kidding about that…can’t write the rest of that thought down…
  • Wonder when the last time he was in a movie theater…that stuff doesn’t happen anymore. 
  • Uh-oh.  Got me there.
  • Amen.  It’s almost 8 and I’m hungry!
  • Uhm…yeah!  No kiddin!
  • “My tummy’s growlin, cuz it’s hungry.” (that one was Wilbur)  Uh, yeah buddy, I know the feelin!
  • Uh-oh…so I guess thinking about how much they annoy me instead of how much I love them is not such a pure thought.
  • Whatsoever things are…lovely, pure….etc…
  • When we come to church and the service is draggy, it’s because of what we’re allowing to go through our minds.”
  • Hmm…so if I’m thinking about how I can’t write some of this on my blog, then I probably don’t want to hear what God would think about it.  But then, I think maybe people are more offended by things than God is…
  • “…WWJD is actually a GOOD thought.” I wonder if it should be WWJT (what would Jesus THINK?)  =)
  • I’m not starchy.  Much. 
  • No kiddin, there’s hypocrites in the church. 
  • Yeah, you promised that a good half hour ago…I don’t think that thought has made it to your heart yet because you’re still going….

Hmmmmm…interesting experiment.  Kept me occupied all service….lol. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Well, in regards to a previous post, it’s beginning to make a little more sense.  I have to admit that I haven’t been studying lately like I should have been, mostly because it’s easier to simply believe what I’ve always believed if I don’t try to study it out.  But I have started picking back up on the studying…very slowly.  That, with some quality intelligent conversation with other people (not necessarily people in agreement with my unusual opinions), has cleared up some of the confusion. 

The crazy rules are still crazy.  There are a lot of things the church does and teaches that doesn’t make sense.  But I have to agree with Zeke, in that it’s important to focus on “what really matters!”  And what DOES really matter? 

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.  (Matthew 22:37-40)

A lot of this other stuff?  Well, it doesn’t really matter.  How does making up illogical rules play into loving God with all your heart?  Does it help you love your neighbor more?  Well, then who really cares?  Are we in this thing to keep the church happy or to win souls for God and keep Him happy?  And is what the church teaches REALLY what God is focusing on?

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.  (Matthew 15:9)

In this specific instance, Jesus was talking about a particular tradition that the Pharisees had about washing hands before they ate, but it still makes sense…and farther down:

But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.  (Matthew 15:18-20)

So you’re not accused of sin today because you eat without washing your hands, but a lot of these crazy rules are pointed toward what your outside looks like.  And we don’t spend a whole lot of time talking about the inside…what REALLY matters is that your heart is right. 

Bitterness?  Attitudes?  Gossip?  Don’t hear much about that…those are acceptable sins…even though those are the ones that the Bible is PLAIN and CLEAR about…

Your hair must have dead ends and never be cut, the skirts have to be 5 inches below the knee, and heaven forbid you enhance your appearance in any way, or have a television in your house…none of which are specifically wrong according to the Bible, but yet, THAT is what we preach about and focus on? 

What REALLY matters?  I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel like I need to worry more about pleasing God with my HEART instead of being so concerned with staying inside that box of rules that the church teaches. 

Again, don’t get me wrong, I’m not throwing out all of it, I still believe modesty is Biblical, but I’m all about balance and logic and I don’t think it’s quite been achieved yet. 

And that’s where I am.  Not looking for excuses to change, or even really changing much even though I don’t see things the same way anymore, I’m just looking for what really matters.  And praying that God helps me find it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Facebook Drama

This has nothing to do with doctrinal issues, but I just have to have a moment to vent. I'm so disgusted with people lately. And this is definitely one of those things you cannot say with your name attached to it because then people know exactly who you’re talking about.

WHY? I just need to know why people think it’s okay to post Bible verses as your status in response to something else that has been stated or posted? And then say it was something that was on your mind and not directed at specific people…? Really? So if someone JUST said it and then you JUST mention it in your status along with a scripture beating up on it, how is it NOT in response to that specific person? If preachers aren’t supposed to preach sermons AT specific people and use scripture to bash them up, what makes you think throwing scriptures at people on facebook is any better? UGH! And the worst part is it's not just one's a growing habit... :o(

Do you know how bad I want to post some Bible verses of my own?

How about this one:
But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters. (1 Peter 4:15)

Or maybe:
Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. (Matthew 18:15)

Wow, it’s so tempting. But then I'd be just like them and I refuse.

But back to Matthew 18:15…you know, if you have a problem with someone doing something, tell them personally, don't make it your status on Facebook and get drama all started up!

And when it comes to "telling them personally," I know we don't ALWAYS go personally to people we have issues with, sometimes for good reasons, but announcing those issues in your status on Facebook is like walking into a crowded room and screaming out your problem with that person. I don’t think that could be called private by any sense of the imagination.

I’m not perfect, and I know we all do stupid from time to time, it just seems like this is becoming a popular way of doing stupid…and it irritates the FIRE out of me.

PS In both situations where it involved us, we talked to the people about it, so we're clear. Haha.

This topic is just something that seems to be growing in popularity and these “obscure” and “veiled” references to people using scripture or quotes is just annoying. I don’t get on Facebook to get a sermon about every thing and every one that you disagree with. Ugh.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I don’t know what to say.  I’m kind of at a loss.  I’m not sure I want to say some things out loud…even though no one I know (well besides my friend, Elle) reads this, I’m just afraid that if I put more of these common sense things in writing…I’m going to influence people to worldliness.  Because everything I’ve always been taught tells me that this type of thinking is nothing BUT worldliness. 

And not just everything I’ve always been taught…everything that’s STILL taught in the church I STILL go to…

And of course, I don’t want to be the influence that helps turn people to worldliness.  That’s not what I’m after at all. 

I’m just not sure anymore.  Everything from the pulpit these days is hammering hard on how all these “crazy rules” are true and we should follow them, and I don’t understand how they can say it’s GOD when there’s nothing in the Bible to back it up.  But at the same time, they sincerely believe it, and I’ve always been taught it, so it’s hard to just discard it as just man’s opinion.  

But then when I study, I’m having a hard time with that, too, because the only thing that happens is I find more questions.  I don’t know.  I really just don’t know

I feel kind of stuck.  This is just where I am. 

This verse stood out to me this last week:

Isaiah 54:10
For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee.

According to the last verse of that chapter, He was referring to the servants of the Lord, so…hopefully He will include me on that promise. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Musings

It seems like every time I go to church these days, whether it was a great service or one of them tight and dry ones, I always come home with an urge to vent out some anonymous thoughts. 

For starters, when I walked in this morning I got the handshake and the question.  You know the one, comes right after the “How are you today, Sister?”  Goes something like “Everything okay?  You sure?” and is accompanied by the serious, intense look. 

It works really well.  I went on in to the sanctuary feeling even more like a terrible backslider (or at least one well on her way) and I haven’t done anything except ask questions and seek the truth. 

The tough part is that I love all those people.  And I know that if I don’t abide by that “list of rules” those relationships will take a drastic turn.  I’m not trying to change, I’m trying to understand.  Maybe that’s changing me. 

All I know is that everything I was raised to believe tells me that if I don’t believe and follow the “old ways” without question then I am indeed a backslider and I don’t know how to get away from that even when the truth is looking more and more like something different.  Especially when all we hear is that God wants to take away this and take away that and if you back up on anything, you’re not walking in all the light and that makes it sin for you.  Is asking questions and trying to understand and make sense of these things “backing up on truth?”  Well, apparently it is, if you aren’t coming up with their answers. 

I just need to understand.  I need to know what God wants.  And then I’ll be more than happy to do it.  I’m just having serious doubts that what a man says is “God’s List of Do’s and Do Not’s” really is GOD’S list…

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


This devotion hit me exactly where I needed it. 

I can relate.  It says what I feel.  Exactly. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where Do We Go From Here?

Where does all this come from? Why do we do what we do? Why are we told to go study out the “list of rules” we are taught but then when we do and find something different or that what we are taught doesn’t make sense, we are still expected to blindly follow or else suffer the consequences.

Now maybe the consequences aren’t so severe as to exact a complete ex-communication, but in a manner of speaking, maybe it is. You get the label of backslider. If you continue to attend the congregation, you will be the focus of the altar calls, and you can no longer take part in the services as anything other than a bystander (unless you want to participate by going to the altar at altar call).

But on the other hand, as long as you’re (by all appearances) blindly following the “list of rules” which make you “saved,” then you will never be allowed to resign any of the roles in service of which you participate (without suffering through altar calls and sermons on taking up your cross and doing the job God has for you). God can never call you to anything else and if you feel that He is, you would be mistaken. So it would seem, that the only way to move on to what God is calling you to do, that you must get kicked out of your participation. I'm seriously not bitter about it, just confused.

Why does it all have to be so difficult. Why do PEOPLE have to be so difficult. And where do we go from here? Do we keep following the senseless rules so that we can keep our standing with people even though it’s not people’s opinion that makes you saved? Or do we drop it all and simply follow God even though it may mean the people label us as backsliders? Can we do both? My gut says there’s a pretty big fork in the road ahead and and my question remains…where do we go from here?

I don’t think I’m really doing so good on spelling out exactly what I’m thinking but…this has been another post from my rambling subconscious.

Sophie, out.

Monday, July 26, 2010

TV vs. Internet TV

TV is wrong, but you can watch the news or other “decent” TV shows online and it’s okay.

I don’t even know where to start with this one.  The verse that is used for this one is

“set no unclean thing before thine eyes”

So it’s not saying no TV, it’s saying don’t watch junk.  So first off, where do you get that the actual TV is wrong (since there ARE quite a few decent and occasionally enlightening shows out there that you could watch on it…hello Dog Whisperer…lol), and second of all, if it IS wrong, then how does watching it on your computer make it right? 

In my opinion (which of course, doesn’t count for much), it’s only wrong to have or watch TV (on the actual television OR internet) if you don’t have your priorities straight (or if you have an addiction to it and can’t control it). 

God should always be first.  But that goes for all kinds of things, not just TV…how ‘bout reading?  Or playing basketball with the guys?  Or going on vacation?  If it’s wrong to have downtime to watch something, it’s probably also wrong to have downtime to do any of those other things that we enjoy.

And if it’s an addiction and you’re hooked with no control, that’s a personal thing that God might ask you to work on and maybe give up, but again, that’s not just something that goes for TV, that goes for anything that you have a problem with and that should be on an individual level, not something you judge someone else on…

So is it wrong?  Is it a fellowship breaker?  Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t figure out why it should be.  If your heart is in the shape it’s supposed to be in, your TV won’t be misused or placed in the wrong priority…and if your heart is NOT in the shape it’s supposed to be in, TV is the least of your worries.  I just think this is one of those minor things that hangs people up when they should be worrying about the major things. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tricky Balance

Thing is, this balance thing isn’t just about how you look or what you wear (that’s just all I’ve gotten to so far).  But I’m not looking for an excuse to look different or change anything, my biggest issue is how can you witness to people of this “lifestyle” when you can’t even make sense of it balanceyourself?  I can’t bring people into a church and lifestyle that I am having a hard time believing in myself.  I know, it’s always said, you don’t bring them to a church, you bring them to Jesus and He’ll show them how to live, but then when you do that, they are expected to come to OUR church and then in a given amount of time, it’s expected that God will show them that they are supposed to live this long list of rules. 

Now I don’t know if anyone else questions it or not, but it’s always been said when the changes in appearance start showing up that “God showed them.”  Did He really?  Or was it more that everyone else was doing it and so it must be the right thing to do.  No, you don’t HAVE to say anything if the majority is doing it…nobody wants to be the odd duck.  Especially  when it comes to being part of a group that’s going to heaven.

But if they look like they’ve changed the outside, it’s all good and everybody’s happy (even if they don’t quite understand why they are doing certain things…just that God must be in it). 

But then trouble comes if the individual doesn’t start showing outward changes in a certain amount of time.  In that case, the general perception is that they didn’t get anything in the first place, the individual is treated differently (as if they don’t really want to be part of the group after all and just needs to get saved again, and the group moves on), and the individual eventually disappears (which in the group’s mind proves their original point and they may or may not go back and try to win back this poor backslidden soul). 

Now in some cases, that might have been a true perception, maybe they really didn’t get anything in the first place.  But maybe it was because it was the dress code or the list of do’s and don’ts that was preached and little or nothing about what should be working on the INSIDE. 

Maybe I’m wrong.  Maybe I’m not.  Maybe I’ll figure it all out one day.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Shine On, Shine Off?

You can put products in your hair to make it shiny and healthy and prevent breakage but you can’t put anything on your fingernails to make them shiny and healthy and prevent breakage. 

Well this is a pretty straightforward crazy rule.  As far as I’ve ever found, there isn’t anything in the Bible regarding hair products and what you can use to keep it healthy and shiny.  Or even whether or not you should be able to change the color or not.  That brings to mind another one of those controversial rules…

You can’t dye your hair because God gave you the color He wants you to have.  However, He also gave women hair on their legs and in their armpits but it’s okay to shave that off. 

Okay there are lots of weird rules on hair…I guess hair might get it’s own separate post. 

But moving on with the healthy hair thing.  So you can use frizz out and moisturizing shampoos and hairspray and whatever else you need (as long as it doesn’t alter your color any) to make your hair look it’s best (which I am all in favor of the “hair looking it’s best” part) but if you put any kind of healthy nail formula on your nails (even if it’s clear and isn’t changing the natural look God gave us), you’re on the broad way that leadeth to destruction.  I mean, really?  Where do you get that? 

Granted, there’s a balance…dying your hair purple or wearing hot pink sparkly nail polish isn’t exactly demonstrating modesty, which is DEFINITELY in the Bible.  But there IS a balance.  Why is that so difficult? 

I think another post on balance would be good…that is really what I’m looking for right now. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Great Lengths Battle

This isn’t the craziest rule, just the first one I’m elaborating on…as I said before, I’m not posting these according to level of craziness since they’re pretty much all on the same level…with that said…

Pants that end just below the knee (aka shorts) on men are sinful.  However, girls can wear skirts ranging in length from just below the knee to the floor and it’s modest. 

Now that statement alone would be enough to make a person question the sanity of that rule, but let me just throw out one of the major arguments in favor of the women’s dress standard:

Men are turned on by sight and therefore women should dress modestly so we don’t cause them to sin (I just summed up at least an hours worth of sermon in that one statement—wow, I’m good.  LOL). 

Now taking that argument, wouldn’t the rule make more sense if it was the other way around?  Not that I’m saying it should be, just that it would make more sense if it was.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not disagreeing with modesty, because the Bible DOES call for modesty, I’m simply saying that modesty is subjective.  As in, something that God shows you as an individual, not something that can be defined by a set of rules. 

I personally do not feel anything wrong with skirts that are below the knee or longer, and I’d have to say that the majority of conservatives would agree with that statement. 

However, on the flip side (and the majority of conservatives would NOT agree with this statement), I do not feel anything is wrong with PANTS that are below the knee or longer. 

Strangely enough, I don’t walk around drooling at the sight of a man’s calf or shin, and in all seriousness, I don’t generally walk around looking at the legs of guys in shorts, period.  And I don’t know of anyone who does.  Seriously, I mean even if I were to notice a guys legs, they usually look kinda like their arms and it’s not something that would give a girl heart palpitations or anything.  And although I can’t speak from a guy’s perspective, I don’t think they lust after our calves or shins (especially not mine, thanks to a childhood as a tomboy).  LOL. 

Perhaps I’m wrong.  It wouldn’t be the first time, but I just can’t see any sense in this rule. 

Monday, July 12, 2010

He Is

Father, let the world just fade away
Let me feel your presence in this place
Lord, I’ve never been so weary
How I need to know you’re near me
Father, let the world just fade away
Till I’m on my knees
Till my heart can sing
He is
He was
He always will be

Even when it feels like there is no one holding me
Be still, my soul
He is

Father, let your Holy Spirit sing
Let it calm the storm inside of me
As I stand amazed
Lift my hands and say

He is
He was
He always will be

He lives
He loves
He’s always with me

Even when it feels like there is no one holding me
Be still, my soul
Through every fear
And every doubt
And every tear I shed
Down every road
I’m not alone
No matter where I am

He is
He was
And He always will be
He lives
He loves
He’s always with me

Even when it feels like there is no one holding me
Be still, my soul
Be still, and know
Be still, my soul
He is

This song speaks volumes…monumental truths contained there, and so encouraging to remind myself, that even as I’m seeking, no matter where I am, He still IS.  Thank God. 

(Song is by Mark Schultz I think.) 

Common Sense

Sometimes I just can’t help but wonder where common sense went?  I don’t know who made up some of these “rules” that the conservative movement lives by, but some of them just don’t make good horse sense. 

Like how one thing is taboo for this reason, but another thing (using the same reasoning) is okay.  Perhaps I shall elaborate further in other posts.  I would post them in order of ridiculousness, but I’m not sure that’s possible since most of them fall pretty much in the same category.

Yet, any time you doubt any of those crazy rules, you’re automatically dropped in one of the following categories:

  • Making room for the flesh
  • Having a spirit of worldliness
  • Backslidden (or in the process of backsliding)

Why is that?  Why is it a problem to question things? 

Is it because they have a flimsy (and perhaps un-biblical) foundation and you don’t want that to be uncovered?  Or is it more that there is a concern that if one thing is let go, that everything else will change?  And although I can kinda see where that argument would come from, since I’ve seen those that have let one thing go and then went crazy, I just wonder why there can’t be a balance?  No crazy rules and no going crazy without those crazy rules? 

Common sense…is that too much to ask?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Seeking The Balance

Being brought up in a very conservative environment, certain ways and thought patterns have kinda been ingrained into me.  Many things just WERE, and many times without any real basis.  Just because. 

And those who didn’t do or look like we did…well, they were all sinners.  And if they were “church-goers” and didn’t do or look like we did, there was “righteous judgment” reserved for those poor individuals (except it was always shared with other holy righteous ones, rarely spoken to God about, and almost NEVER shared with the offender).  Heaven forbid we remember that gossip is also a sin. 

As I have gotten older and slightly more open-minded (that fact alone would reserve some pretty harsh judgment for me, I’m afraid), I have tried to study out the things that we have always been taught.  The studying (along with some common sense) has raised many questions. 

A lot of questions that the standard jargon just doesn’t adequately answer.  And one person even told me that when you start questioning the “old ways” you’ve already lost anything you ever had. 

See what I mean about the “righteous” judgment thing?  You don’t even have to DO differently, just have a few doubts about it and you can still qualify for a healthy dose of judgmentalism.

Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees…it’s easy to see all the negative aspects of it, and the people who are haters, and the rules that don’t make sense.  It’s not all negatives.  But when a person is seeking the balance and there’s a load of negative on one side, it’s difficult not to automatically compensate by leaning toward the other.   

This is another reason for the opening of this blog.  To clear my mind and vent some of my thoughts, frustrations, and questions without invoking the wrath and judgment of the close-minded ones who may read my real life blog. 

I feel a little alone because although I have talked to Zeke and a few other close friends about this, at this point, no one I know has this blog address or knows I’m attached to it.  But God does.  And I know I’m never truly alone.  Most of the time that’s comforting.  LOL. 

God, please clear my thoughts and help me find YOUR balance.  Not what I’ve always been taught, not what everybody around me says, but what you say.  Thanks Lord.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wednesdays Are Sacred

You know what really bugs me?  The way that you can be in service 5 nights out of 7 but if you miss the regular midweek service at your church, you’re “doomed.” 

Or even if you are NOT in service that many nights—if you miss a midweek service, your salvation can not remain intact.  Are you saying God’s not great enough to keep you a whole week between Sunday Services? 

Just curious, but where’s that in the Bible?  Yeah, I know it says “forsake not the assembling of yourselves” but who said the assembling must be on Sunday’s and Wednesdays?  For that matter, who said the assembling must be in a church? 

And for pity’s sake…the old “oh, it’s such a surprise to see you on a Wed night” comments don’t really inspire me when I’ve only missed a handful of Wed nights over the past few months.  I’m not a hater, it’s only that some things just don’t make much sense when you say them out loud. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cast Of Characters

Sophie: the writer of this here blog
Zeke: the man the writer married
Nellie: the girl child
Wilbur: the boy child
Gertrude: the girl half of the twins
Clyde: the boy half of the twins

Lillian: the mother of the writer of this here blog
Orville: the father of the writer of this here blog

Ethel: the mother of the man the writer married
George: the man the mother (of the man the writer married) married

Others to be determined as necessary

Monday, June 7, 2010


Copied from an old blog: Written June 7, 2007

I'm so disgusted. It's really aggravating when you trust someone and treat them like a mom and then find out they're really using anything you say to interfere in your life.

Like Ethel. I have always thought I had wonderful in-laws, but it appears that she's turning into the typical "out-law."

Apparently Zeke was shielding me from her to protect us and I was not aware of any of that, so I've been making things worse by giving her ammo to fire off at Zeke. THAT is frustrating. So Zeke filled my ears tonight about all kinds of things. He tried to tell me before, but he never gave me much information (which I probably shouldn't have needed in order to believe him, but would have been helpful nevertheless) and I never saw that side of her so I kept right on trusting her and confiding in her.

It just feels like I've been used to get information. Not only that, apparently she's been complaining to Zeke about my real life blog. How I talk too much and it could be used against me. Bummer. That's MY problem. It's a free country and nobody is forcing you to read it. If you don't like it, just go away. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm wrong a lot. Like tonight. But so what. It's my life.

And don't even get me started on Ethel and George and religion.....Openminded? She's not. She's always acted like it when talking to me, and she had me fooled, but I guess she was just trying to get me to open up and give her information.

I love her and all, but I'm not repeating that mistake. Matter of fact, Ethel is one of the big reasons for the opening of this anonymous blog. Thanks, Ethel. I owe ya one.

Speaking of religious activities.....the choir got laid out tonight about attendance. Figures it would be the night i picked to lay out to take the family circus to the park to wear them out (which didn't work, by the way). It wasn't the best night to miss, I guess. LOL.

Also while we're on the topic of religious people, I wish people would GROW UP! Wahhh wahhh wahhhhh. What are ya, babies? All these grown people acting like two year olds. Everybody is all busy getting their feelings hurt or sitting in time out to build anything with their alphabet blocks and play doh! Oh wait, I'm sorry. Was that sarcastic? Pardon me.

I'm sorry. I'm just aggravated.


But. I. Feel. (somewhat) Better. Now.

Sometimes? Well. Sometimes it stinks to be me.
The rest of the time it's just lovely.