Monday, July 12, 2010

Common Sense

Sometimes I just can’t help but wonder where common sense went?  I don’t know who made up some of these “rules” that the conservative movement lives by, but some of them just don’t make good horse sense. 

Like how one thing is taboo for this reason, but another thing (using the same reasoning) is okay.  Perhaps I shall elaborate further in other posts.  I would post them in order of ridiculousness, but I’m not sure that’s possible since most of them fall pretty much in the same category.

Yet, any time you doubt any of those crazy rules, you’re automatically dropped in one of the following categories:

  • Making room for the flesh
  • Having a spirit of worldliness
  • Backslidden (or in the process of backsliding)

Why is that?  Why is it a problem to question things? 

Is it because they have a flimsy (and perhaps un-biblical) foundation and you don’t want that to be uncovered?  Or is it more that there is a concern that if one thing is let go, that everything else will change?  And although I can kinda see where that argument would come from, since I’ve seen those that have let one thing go and then went crazy, I just wonder why there can’t be a balance?  No crazy rules and no going crazy without those crazy rules? 

Common sense…is that too much to ask?

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