You can put products in your hair to make it shiny and healthy and prevent breakage but you can’t put anything on your fingernails to make them shiny and healthy and prevent breakage.
Well this is a pretty straightforward crazy rule. As far as I’ve ever found, there isn’t anything in the Bible regarding hair products and what you can use to keep it healthy and shiny. Or even whether or not you should be able to change the color or not. That brings to mind another one of those controversial rules…
You can’t dye your hair because God gave you the color He wants you to have. However, He also gave women hair on their legs and in their armpits but it’s okay to shave that off.
Okay there are lots of weird rules on hair…I guess hair might get it’s own separate post.
But moving on with the healthy hair thing. So you can use frizz out and moisturizing shampoos and hairspray and whatever else you need (as long as it doesn’t alter your color any) to make your hair look it’s best (which I am all in favor of the “hair looking it’s best” part) but if you put any kind of healthy nail formula on your nails (even if it’s clear and isn’t changing the natural look God gave us), you’re on the broad way that leadeth to destruction. I mean, really? Where do you get that?
Granted, there’s a balance…dying your hair purple or wearing hot pink sparkly nail polish isn’t exactly demonstrating modesty, which is DEFINITELY in the Bible. But there IS a balance. Why is that so difficult?
I think another post on balance would be good…that is really what I’m looking for right now.
If this was FB, I'd "thumbs up" your post. :o)