Sunday, November 14, 2010

Random Thoughts

How many of our thoughts are actually “speakable?” 

In any given church service, if we took the time to document every thought that went through our mind…well, I know I was surprised at just how un-focused I can be…and at the fact that I wouldn’t be able to say a good many of them out loud because they weren’t very nice.  Yikes. 

For instance: in a little over an hour of sermon, I filled up front and back of a sheet of paper and then was scribbling all in the margins.  Random quotes from the sermon that were of interest or that sparked other thoughts, random thoughts that just popped into my head, etc…

Quite the interesting experiment, to say the least! 

Italics is what someone else said, regular font is what I was thinking. 

  • “Our opinion doesn’t matter.  We need to live what Christ teaches.”  What if it’s not our opinion though?  What if what we’re living is someone else’s opinion/man’s tradition and not what the Bible teaches?
  • Man, my stomach is growling. 
  • Oops.  Can’t write this one down. 
  • Women get all their divine revelations from Walmart.”  No, they don’t.  I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a divine revelation from Walmart. 
  • …depends on how they say it.  If they do it in a joking manner.  Reminds me of that person that said one time about how at least half of what you say in jesting you actually mean…
  • rebuke…all longsuffering…(referencing Timothy) patience.  Rebuke…longsuffering…meaning to be patient and not be ready with an instant rebuke? 
  • We don’t have a ministry – it’s the ministry of Christ.  We just need to pick up His ministry and carry it on…further it.”  So instead of looking for a new ministry, we just look around to see what’s being left off, and pick it up and further it? 
  • Where’s he going with this?
  • It’s funny how I filter my thoughts when I’m paying attention to them. 
  • Why does he always look at me when he asks those kinds of questions?
  • Woop.  Can’t write that one down. 
  • Yeah, no kidding on that one!
  • Good grief!  Some people’s….um…never mind. 
  • “…one time can change things for you for the rest of your life.”  Yeah, no kidding about that…can’t write the rest of that thought down…
  • Wonder when the last time he was in a movie theater…that stuff doesn’t happen anymore. 
  • Uh-oh.  Got me there.
  • Amen.  It’s almost 8 and I’m hungry!
  • Uhm…yeah!  No kiddin!
  • “My tummy’s growlin, cuz it’s hungry.” (that one was Wilbur)  Uh, yeah buddy, I know the feelin!
  • Uh-oh…so I guess thinking about how much they annoy me instead of how much I love them is not such a pure thought.
  • Whatsoever things are…lovely, pure….etc…
  • When we come to church and the service is draggy, it’s because of what we’re allowing to go through our minds.”
  • Hmm…so if I’m thinking about how I can’t write some of this on my blog, then I probably don’t want to hear what God would think about it.  But then, I think maybe people are more offended by things than God is…
  • “…WWJD is actually a GOOD thought.” I wonder if it should be WWJT (what would Jesus THINK?)  =)
  • I’m not starchy.  Much. 
  • No kiddin, there’s hypocrites in the church. 
  • Yeah, you promised that a good half hour ago…I don’t think that thought has made it to your heart yet because you’re still going….

Hmmmmm…interesting experiment.  Kept me occupied all service….lol.